Required Immunizations


This letter is to inform you of the immunization requirements for students entering the 7th grade in the state of Ohio. All seventh-grade students will be required to have one additional dose of Tdap (Tetanus, Diphtheria and Pertussis), as a booster to the initial series of required doses. Ohio is requiring the Tdap vaccine, as opposed to Td, to protect against Pertussis (whooping cough). In addition to the Tdap, your child is also required to receive the Meningococcal vaccine prior to the entry into Grade 7. The Meningococcal vaccine prevents bacteria that is commonly spread from person to person, especially in teens and young adults. These bacteria can cause meningitis, which is an infection of the fluid and lining surrounding the brain and spinal cord; it can also enter the bloodstream, causing sepsis. Please contact your health care provider to schedule an appointment to receive the vaccines your child will need for the next year. For a complete list of immunization requirements for school-age children in the State of Ohio, please go to:

Ohio Department of Health

REQUIRED 7th Grade shots (2 shots):

· Tdap (Tetanus, Diphtheria and Pertussis)

· Meningococcal vaccine


Melissa Lukes, BSN, RN Fax number:

District School Nurse (330)673-5024