Inquiry Parent Mentor Services

My name is Christina, and I am a Parent Mentor for Field and Southeast Local Schools. I assist families in navigating the Special Education Process, serving as a connecting point between home and school. I am available to offer feedback, guidance, and advice throughout your journey within the special education system. Whether your child is already receiving accommodations or you believe they might need them, I can help guide you through the services your child may be eligible for. I can lend a listening ear, assist you in finding resources, attend meetings with your family, and provide support for anything in between.

I personally understand that the special education process can be challenging to navigate. As a Parent Mentor, it is my role to help make this process a little easier for you. I am happy to assist you every step of the way. If you are in need of my services, please fill out this form, and I will be in touch as soon as possible. If this is an urgent matter that requires immediate attention, please email me at or Switch account
Email *
Which District does your student attend? *
Which Building is your student in? *
What grade is your student in? *
Is your student in an ESC County classroom?
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Is your child currently on an IEP? *
Are you looking to have your child evaluated for Special Education Services?
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Is your child currently on a 504 plan? *
Is your student transitioning? ( last year of Pre-K or High school)
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Please provide me with some details on what I can help you with. *
What time and day is best to call?  *
Which way do you prefer to communicate? 
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Do I have permission to communicate with school administration in regards to your student to best facilitate and get more information? 
Is there anything else I should know?
Are there any resources I can currently provide you?

Please understand that I am a Parent Mentor, not a Parent Advocate. My role is to assist and guide you through the Special Education process upon your request or at the district's request. However, if you require the services of an advocate, I can help connect you with one. Kindly confirm that you have acknowledged this.

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